Event Planning Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Event Planning Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

What makes a great event, great!

I'm helping a membership organisation at the moment to set up an all day event for startups and it's very easy to get tied up in all technical details but for any event its important to consider what makes a great event, great! Read my 7 top tips on how to make a great event

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Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

Santa & His Elves: A Perfect Example of Committee Collaboration!

Are you in a committee or settingup ones and want to make sure that there is an efficient committee structure with clear roles and responsibilities, paperless committee systems, effective agendas and meeting schedules and everyone knows where to find everything! Interested in discussing how we can enhance your committee management? I'd be happy to schedule a brief call to explore this further.

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Event Planning Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Event Planning Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

12 reasons your event isn't selling

We all have busy lives and I’ve been told it takes it on average 20 times for a person to see an event now before actually buying.

In my experience helping people to set up online and in person events over the last five years there are several reasons why your tickets may not be selling and bear with me some of these some of these are technical reasons and some are psychological.

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Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

Boost Your Course Revenue: The Power of Affiliate Links

Do you know how important affiliate links are for boosting our course revenue. Are you deciding between course platforms and what to know what to check for when it comes to affiliate links? Keep reading

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Virtual Assistant News Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Virtual Assistant News Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

Podcast Interview-One of Northern Ireland’s First Virtual Assistants

Alison Matthews left a coveted job to pursue her own venture, VirtuAli Solutions, becoming one of Northern Ireland's first virtual assistants. She thrives on connecting individuals and aiding them in achieving success in their businesses. Such an inspirational guest on Effortless Attraction Podcast who is making a difference for the better in peoples lives. You can connect with Alison on www.virtuali.uk

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Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

The Hidden Costs of Chaos: How Disorganisation in Your Business Makes You Feel

Are you resolved to work differently in 2024 and have less admin pain? New and returning clients came to work with me to resolve lots of different admin pain points in 2023.

I freed up x1000 hours for them by helping them

🚀create new processes

🚀do processes more efficiently

🚀or taking over admin-heavy tasks for them.

Have a read of my latest article on the emotional toll that not being as organised as you want to be can take

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Tips & Tricks Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Tips & Tricks Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

Unwrap the Gift of Organization: 10 Days, 10 Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches, it's easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of joy, festivities, and let's be honest, a touch of chaos. But fear not, because we're here to sprinkle a little organizational magic into your holiday preparations. Unwrap a daily dose of wisdom to keep your holidays merry and bright.

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Event Planning Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Event Planning Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

8 Ways to Take the Admin Pain out of organising your next event

Do you regularly organise live events with guest speakers for your own company or the company you work for? Do you have the same type of information to gather for every event, but it can be very time consuming getting it all? Here are 8 ways to help you take the admin pain OUT of organising events!

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Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

Balancing the best of remote, virtual & face to face (Powering Productivity Podcast Episode)

I'm delighted to have been interviewed by Suzanne Murdock for her Powering Productivity Podcast which is out now!

The idea behind these podcasts is Suzanne asking other business owners to share their stories and top tips on how to be super productive, flexible and really thrive as a small business owner doing what you love doing whilst keeping those energy batteries tiptop!

You can check out all her interviews so far here https://www.thehubnewry.com/podcast/

I am episode 8 and we talked about

- automation and planning for an easier working life

- collaboration not competition with other VAs ⠀

Watch the video HERE or listen to the full podcast episode 8 HERE

#podcast #productivity #business #entrepreneur

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Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

7 Top Tips for Managing your Energy

At this time of year, it's all too easy to get caught up in a whirlwind that EVERYTHING has to be completed by 31st December, isn't it? Read my 7 tips on how to conserve your energy at a time of year when normally our bodies are trying to slow down.

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Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

Want to stop all those tasks keeping you awake at night?

Are you constantly as a business owner feeling a bit overwhelmed and out of control with all tasks to do and want to work differently this year? Are you more resolved than ever in the remaining months of the year to work more efficiently and use your time better?

In my own experience and with clients I've found one of the best ways to cut out the overwhelm and have one place where you can list all your tasks, visualise them, break them down and mark them off when complete is to use a project management and two of my favourites are Trello and Asana.

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Tips & Tricks Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Tips & Tricks Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

Maximising your time this Summer (and every Season!)

It’s Summertime and despite what Ella might tell us ‘the livin isn’t always easy ‘especially if you are business owner trying to juggle other commitments as well as still trying to make a ‘livin’! Read my blog to find out how you can maximise the hours you work no matter what your circumstances this Summer

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Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

12 reasons to start using an online Appointment Scheduling Tool

Are you literally pulling your hair manually trying to find time with clients or investors to have a meeting? Are you double booking yourself? Stressed out looking at your calendar and have lots of slots marked out as TBC until people come back to confirm appointments with you? Is it time to make life much easier for yourself (and others!) and set up an automated online appointment scheduling tool like Calendly to take all that hassle away? I have been using since 2020 and importantly find it very intuitive and easy to use both for me the user and the end client

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Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

Want to find out your true working style?

Want to learn how you could be working differently in your business and getting more done? Get ready to make time in your business like never before . Take the free quiz which will take you less time than to make a cup of tea!✨

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Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

What is your green commitment as a business owner?

In November 2021 , world leaders met for the Conference of the Parties (COP) this time in Glasgow #COP26 . After lots of negotiations they finally settled on a target of reducing the world’s climate by 1.5oc but we all our part to play whether as individuals or business owners What are you doing as a small business owner to achieve the goal of getting the UK to net zero by 2050? Have a read of the 12 commitments I’m making even a service based business like my own.

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Event Planning Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Event Planning Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

Creating an Epic Event? What to Consider..

Inspired by the Tokyo Olympics ,are you dreaming of creating your own event ? No matter what the scale with the current Covid regulations there is a lot to think about! Have a read of my blog to get top 6 tips when planning a face to face or hybrid event

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Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

Powering Productivity Podcast

I'm delighted to have been interviewed by Suzanne Murdock for her Powering Productivity Podcast which is out now!

The idea behind these podcasts is Suzanne asking other business owners to share their stories and top tips on how to be super productive, flexible and really thrive as a small business owner doing what you love doing whilst keeping those energy batteries tiptop!

You can check out all her interviews so far here https://www.thehubnewry.com/podcast/

I am episode 8 and we talked about

- automation and planning for an easier working life

- collaboration not competition with other VAs ⠀

Watch the video HERE or listen to the full podcast episode 8 HERE

#podcast #productivity #business #entrepreneur

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