Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

Balancing the best of remote, virtual & face to face (Powering Productivity Podcast Episode)

I'm delighted to have been interviewed by Suzanne Murdock for her Powering Productivity Podcast which is out now!

The idea behind these podcasts is Suzanne asking other business owners to share their stories and top tips on how to be super productive, flexible and really thrive as a small business owner doing what you love doing whilst keeping those energy batteries tiptop!

You can check out all her interviews so far here

I am episode 8 and we talked about

- automation and planning for an easier working life

- collaboration not competition with other VAs ⠀

Watch the video HERE or listen to the full podcast episode 8 HERE

#podcast #productivity #business #entrepreneur

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Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

12 reasons to start using an online Appointment Scheduling Tool

Are you literally pulling your hair manually trying to find time with clients or investors to have a meeting? Are you double booking yourself? Stressed out looking at your calendar and have lots of slots marked out as TBC until people come back to confirm appointments with you? Is it time to make life much easier for yourself (and others!) and set up an automated online appointment scheduling tool like Calendly to take all that hassle away? I have been using since 2020 and importantly find it very intuitive and easy to use both for me the user and the end client

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Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

Powering Productivity Podcast

I'm delighted to have been interviewed by Suzanne Murdock for her Powering Productivity Podcast which is out now!

The idea behind these podcasts is Suzanne asking other business owners to share their stories and top tips on how to be super productive, flexible and really thrive as a small business owner doing what you love doing whilst keeping those energy batteries tiptop!

You can check out all her interviews so far here

I am episode 8 and we talked about

- automation and planning for an easier working life

- collaboration not competition with other VAs ⠀

Watch the video HERE or listen to the full podcast episode 8 HERE

#podcast #productivity #business #entrepreneur

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Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

How to structure your day to be your most productive!

As business owners our most valuable asset after our own health is TIME. Time is finite and we can’t just magic more hours out of the day because no matter what we do they are still 24 of them! We can however structure our day to make sure we are working productively whether we are working from home, a co-working space or a shed out in the garden. Here are my 5 tips to make the most of your day!

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Tips & Tricks Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Tips & Tricks Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

10 Admin tips to protect your mental sanity

10 Admin tips to protect your mental sanity

How has your 2018 been so far? Are you frazzled? Every freelancer I’ve spoken to recently say they have been flat out this quarter and they are overwhelmed! In 2015 The Guardian published an article on ‘the disease of being busy’ you can imagine how much more prevalent this with the communication we are surrounded by in 2018. In February, I attended the Digital Marketing Sanity workshop organised by Fascinating Company about digital marketing tips to keep you sane but what about admin tips?

Back in November, I wrote an article for Women in Business about not letting time rule you and how to be more productive. I’ve learnt a lot of lessons in the last 4 months about how to keep sane in an increasingly insanely busy world which I’m hoping will benefit others.

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