Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

How to structure your day to be your most productive!

As business owners our most valuable asset after our own health is TIME. Time is finite and we can’t just magic more hours out of the day because no matter what we do they are still 24 of them! We can however structure our day to make sure we are working productively whether we are working from home, a co-working space or a shed out in the garden. Here are my 5 tips to make the most of your day!

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Reasons to hire a VA Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Reasons to hire a VA Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

Implementing a CRM system to help you now and in future

As a Virtual Assistant, I’m often initially approached by micro-business owners to alleviate whatever admin burden they have: entering data, cleaning email lists, formatting reports etc. Often as I get to know the client and their business better, the value added actually comes from analysing their administrative systems and seeing if their life could be simplified by implementing new ones or in some cases even making certain systems obsolete.

With aftershocks of the Brexit decision of 24th June 2016 still rippling around the world maybe this is the right time to look inside your own business and see what improvements you can be making to admin systems and procedures so that you are working at your most efficient not only now but also to prepare for the future, whatever that might bring…

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